UE4 - Dont Blueprint Macro Inheritance

장점 : 블루 프린트 매크로를 사용하면 실행 핀없이 노드를 만들 수 있다는 것

하지만 ..

This is still a serious oversight in the Engine design.

  • A child cannot use the macros of a parent for... reasons.

  • Okay? I'll make a macro library.

  • A parent cannot use it's own macro library for... reasons.

  • Therefore: All macros must be made twice.

I thought the whole point of making macros and functions was to cut down on work, not double it. At this point I'm better off copy-pasing these nodes over and over again.

결론 : 전체 블루프린트에서 사용할 수 있도록 매크로 라이브러리를 이용.


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